Sep 14, 03:15 PM

I recently saw a post on Mastodon by someone wrestling with learning Rust, who had conceptualized these three concepts thus:

Rust can be confusing; it has some concepts that just don’t exist in other languages, and it considers certain semantics differently from other languages. I am in no way any kind of “Rust expert”; I’ve just written and read quite a bit of it (and quite a bit about it), and think that I understand this particular situation well enough to clear up this confusion.

Moves and Clones/Copies are conceptually different things; they sometimes happen in concert; they sometimes don’t. Let’s talk about them carefully and straighten this out.


Right off the bat here, we have Rust’s ownership model (one of the aforementioned things that are “unusual” to Rust) cannonballing into our pool. Fundamental to ownership is the idea of a move. A move is just an agreement between you and the compiler (enforced, of course, by the compiler, because that’s what she does1) that you won’t use a variable binding beyond a certain point. This doesn’t necessarily involve any sort of copying.

let a = String::from("foo");
let b = a; // Can't use 'a' anymore; have to call it `b`.

Here we “move” the value of a into b by assignment, but no copying needs to take place. We have just changed the name by which we refer to the string we created.

Sometimes this can involve copying.

struct Foo {
  name: String,
  number: i32,

let a = String::from("foo");

let foo = Foo {
  name: a,      // Can't use 'a' anymore; have it call it ``.
  number: 12,

Here the String a’s underlying fat pointer was most likely copied, because structs hold their members in a contiguous (save any alignment shims) block.

The point of a move is not to copy, but to ensure that a variable binding isn’t used once using it might cause trouble. Here’s an obvious example of where this might happen:

let a = String::from("foo");

let _ = std::thread::spawn(move || {

// Obviously, we shouldn't try to mess with `a` here anymore.


Now, the purpose of a clone is, in fact, to copy some bits. If you want to perform an operation that requires moving a value, but still want to be able to use that value afterward, you clone it. Whether this is a shallow or a deep copy depends on the type. For example, this is a deep copy:

let a = String::from("foo");
let b = a.clone();

let _ = std::thread::spawn(move || {

// `a` is gone at this point, but we can still use `b`.

The call to a.clone() allocates a chunk on the heap, and copies the 'f', 'o', and 'o' bytes into the new allocation. This is a deep copy, because Strings are a “pointer type”, and we’ve not just copied the pointer value—we’ve copied what’s pointed to. But that’s not the only difference. Check out the following snippet in the Playground:

fn main() {
    let mut a = String::from("frogs");
    println!("{}", &a.capacity());     // prints "10"
    let b = a.clone();
    println!("{}", &b.capacity());     // prints "6"

They also point to differently-sized chunks of memory, and accordingly the “capacity” values are different.

In general, the only types that yield “shallow” copies are explicitly reference-counted types.

use std::sync::Arc;

let a = Arc::new(String::from("foo"));
let b = a.clone();

There is only one string in the above example, but you can read it through both a and b. Because of Rust’s explicit ownership system, unless we have a specific need for reference counting, we just pass references around, sparing us the overhead of counting them, confident that the borrow checker and ownership system won’t let us screw it up..

Here’s a slightly more complicated example of a deep copy (on Playground):

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Point {
    x: f64,
    y: f64,

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Line {
    start: Point,
    end: Point,

fn main() {
    let mut a = Line {
        start: Point { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 },
        end: Point { x: 4.0, y: 3.0 }, 
    let b = a.clone();
    a.x.start = 1.0;
    println!("{:?}", &a); // Line { start: Point { x: 1.0, ...
    println!("{:?}", &b); // Line { start: Point { x: 0.0, ...

You can see that this is a deep copy, as mutating a.x has no effect on the value of b.x.

Now, because our Line type doesn’t contain any complicated references or heap allocations, at the moment of our clone (before we mutate a), unlike with the String example above, b is an exact bitwise copy of a; we can clone a Line merely by copying its representation in memory byte-for-byte to a different location. This brings us to…


The Copy trait is just automatic Cloneing behavior for types that can be cloned with just a bitwise copy. If your struct or enum can be safely copied this way, you can #[derive(Clone, Copy)] on it, and any time one of its values gets moved out of a binding, the compiler will (if you use that same binding again later) automatically insert a .clone() at the site of the move for you.

Here is the previous snippet again, but with Copy derived for our types (on Playground):

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
struct Point {
    x: f64,
    y: f64,

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
struct Line {
    start: Point,
    end: Point,

fn main() {
    let mut a = Line {
        start: Point { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 },
        end: Point { x: 4.0, y: 3.0 }, 
    let b = a;          // No call to `.clone()`; if `Line` weren't Copy,
                        // it'd be moved.
    a.start.x = 1.0;    // But we can still use `a` here, because the
                        // compiler cloned it automatically.
    println!("{:?}", &a);
    println!("{:?}", &b);

This example has identical behavior to the previous one with the explicit .clone(). Deriving Copy on a type is essentially you telling the compiler, “Okay, any time you feel like coming back with a ‘use of moved value’ error about one of these, just go ahead and insert the necessary clone yourself.”

And again, this is a deep copy; as I mentioned before, most actual copies in Rust are deep.

To Summarize

I hope this has been clear and helpful. If anyone has any further questions, or if an actual Rust expert happens to notice that I’ve gotten something wrong here, you can find me at

  1. What with the strict type system and the borrow checker, it’s easy to think of the Rust compiler’s chief duty as being enforcement rather than, say, code generation. [return]